Best Buy credit cards come with specific sign-up bonuses, and you might qualify for instant approval, or there may be some review process and a waiting period of seven to ten days. Getting a Best Buy credit card may require you to be at least 18 years old and meet certain eligibility requirements. Before you apply for the Best Buy credit card, make sure you read the terms and conditions. Below, you will find information on eligibility requirements, Rewards with the Best Buy credit card, and Alternatives to Best Buy.
Rewards with Best Buy credit card
A credit card from Best Buy comes with a variety of benefits. You’ll earn points for purchases, but you don’t have to pay interest until the balance is paid off. And the rewards you earn will be worth at least 5% back on your purchases. The benefits of this credit card may vary depending on the type of purchase you make and the financing option you choose. A special financing option allows you to pay off your balance in full for up to 18 months.
One such offer is a cash back credit. The rewards are automatically applied to purchases made with the card. There’s no expiration date, so you can stack them with other promotions. And once you’ve accumulated at least 250 points, your reward certificate is automatically emailed to you. So if you’re a frequent Best Buy shopper, this card is definitely worth looking into. Its rewards are more attractive than most other credit cards, so it’s worth the hassle.
In addition to the rewards you can earn with the Best Buy credit card, you can also get the rewards from other merchants. The rewards start out at 1% per dollar spent, and increase to two points for every dollar spent in department stores, restaurants, and other merchants. The reward certificates expire after 60 days, so they’re unlikely to be used immediately. Even though Best Buy credit card offers flexible financing, a good deal of its rewards come with a price. This means you can save a few dollars each month while shopping at the same time!
Alternatives to Best Buy credit card
You can find alternative financing options when you need to pay for a large purchase, but you should be aware of the terms. Best Buy credit cards usually have high APRs and you may have to pay in full before you get to take advantage of the financing offers. Another option is to look for 0% intro APR credit cards, which offer interest free financing for 15 months. This option has lower interest rates and is best for people who want to build credit.
The My Best Buy credit card is a good option if you frequently buy at Best Buy and enjoy earning cash back for making purchases. Although this card does require a Best Buy account login, it earns 5% cash back on purchases and 6% if you’re an Elite Plus member. The best part about this credit card is that it only allows you to use it at Best Buy stores, so you won’t have to worry about spending too much on fees.
Another alternative to Best Buy credit cards is the Citi double cash card. This credit card is more flexible and allows you to purchase products at Best Buy and pay them off at a later date. If you spend over $199, you can choose to pay the full amount off over six months, or up to 18 months for purchases of $799 or more. The only catch with this option is that you must pay off the full balance before the 0% interest period expires.
Requirements to qualify for a Best Buy credit card
To apply for a Best Buy credit card, you must be over eighteen years of age in the United States or twenty-one years old in Puerto Rico. You must also have a valid Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification number. You must also have a valid driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID. Best Buy does not approve applications that contain false information. Applicants must meet all other eligibility requirements.
While it is possible to get approved for a Best Buy credit card without meeting these minimum qualifications, it is best to visit a store in order to apply. In-store applications are similar to online applications, and require the same basic financial information. They may also have special sign-up bonuses that require an additional credit score. But regardless of whether you are a good candidate, applying for a Best Buy credit card will hurt your credit.
To apply for a Best Buy credit card, you can do so online or at a Best Buy store. If you decide to apply in person, it may take a bit longer, but the process is the same. Best Buy credit cards are approved or rejected quickly, and the application process is similar. So, if you want to be approved for one, visit your local Best Buy store. But be sure to read the terms and conditions and be aware that you must meet them.