Are you thinking about applying for a My Best Buy Credit Card? This article will cover the benefits, how to apply, fees, and rewards. You will also learn how to avoid late or returned payments. Having the card is an excellent way to make large purchases! But, before applying for it, make sure to read these important factors. You can use the information to choose the best card for your needs. So, read on to learn more.
If you’re a frequent shopper at Best Buy, you may want to consider a credit card for Best Buyer. Its perks are numerous and you can save big on your purchases. You can get a bonus every time you use the card to make a purchase, such as travel accident insurance or 5% back on purchases. You can also get 6% back on your purchases if you have the Best Buy Elite Plus card.
To earn the bonus rewards, you must spend a certain amount of money within 14 days of approval. The Best Buy credit card is free to apply for, but you must complete your first purchase within 14 days of approval. Besides cash back, you can also get a promotional financing. You can choose between 60-month financing and 6-month or 12-month financing for purchases of $399 or more. You can also use the card to pay your bills without incurring interest.
Application process
The Best Buy credit card application process is easy and fast. Once you’ve submitted the application online, you’ll receive your card within seven to fourteen days. You can apply in person, too, if you prefer. The process is the same, and you’ll receive an approval or denial almost immediately. Applying in person is faster than applying online, but the paper application process takes longer. The only difference is the time required to process the application.
To begin the process, you’ll need your best buy credit card user ID and password. These are assigned by the Citi bank and must match the information on your card. In addition, you’ll need to provide your Social Security number, your driver’s license, and any government-issued photo ID. Having all these items will help you expedite the application process. Once you’ve submitted your information, you’ll be able to log into your account.
If you’ve ever wondered how to earn more points with your Best Buy credit card, it’s easy. The Best Buy rewards program offers deferred interest credit cards that let you pay for a certain amount over time. The deferred interest deals charge you interest only on balances that remain at the end of the financing period. The rewards earned are used for gas and grocery store purchases, dining, takeout and more.
Every time you make a purchase at a Best Buy store, you’ll earn one point for every dollar you spend. These points are then automatically redeemed as reward certificates. You can redeem these reward certificates for free merchandise and services, or you can save them for a larger reward. To earn higher rewards, you need to spend $1500 at Best Buy within a calendar year. It can take up to three weeks for you to receive your first reward certificate.
Fees for late or returned payments
What are the penalties for late or returned payments on my Best Buy card? Late or returned payments on your Best Buy card can cost you up to $40. To avoid being hit with these fees, be sure to pay your bill in full on the due date. The late payment fee applies only if you fail to make the required payment by the due date. If you are in need of a credit extension, check your credit card agreement to find out when it’s possible to extend your grace period.
Once you have reached this limit, the fees will begin to accrue. The amount of late fees will vary, but you can usually expect to pay between $25 and $35 for each missed payment. Late payments can accumulate over time, so be sure to pay your bill on time every month. In addition, you may qualify for a waived fee if you pay in full on time, but it will depend on your payment history.
Reward certificates expire after 60 days
If you shop at Best Buy often, you may consider getting one of the many credit cards offered by the company. Then you can use your Best Buy reward certificates to pay off your balance. However, it’s important to note that Best Buy reward certificates expire after 60 days. If you are planning to use the rewards within two months of purchase, you’ll need to make sure you shop there regularly. Also, keep in mind that rewards certificates from Best Buy expire after 60 days.
If your certificate expires within this time, you’ll need to use it by resale or re-sale. Remember that you cannot use the rewards on purchases whose pre-tax price is less than the certificate amount. For example, you can’t use a $100 reward certificate to buy headphones that cost $90. If you use the reward certificates on multiple purchases, they may expire in the middle of the year.
Reward certificates are redeemable only at Best Buy
Reward certificates are issued to cardholders after they spend a certain amount of points. These points are not transferable or refundable, so they cannot be used on purchases where the pre-tax cost is lower than the certificate amount. For example, if you redeem a $100 certificate to purchase a pair of headphones, you will be unable to use the remaining points toward the purchase. To redeem a reward certificate, you must be a member of the Best Buy loyalty program.
To use your rewards, you must make at least $250 in Best Buy purchases in a calendar year. You can receive one reward certificate for every $250 you spend, but you need to spend more than $1,500 in a calendar year to reach Elite status. Reward certificates can be redeemed only at Best Buy. You can change the date you activate the offer and choose when to use it. The redemption of reward certificates is easy if you have a My Best Buy account.